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Ground Support Equipment Safety Training Course


The most common use of ground support equipment is to provide on-site support to aircraft between flights — making it an essential component of the aerospace industry. However, this equipment is also an important tool in factories, warehouses and distribution centers. Whether towing cargo to and from the plane or transferring goods in the warehouse, efficient use of both powered and non-powered ground support equipment is crucial. The first step to efficiency is the safe usage of all equipment.


At Herc Rental, we’re known for providing high-quality rental equipment to the aerospace and warehousing industries, but we also provide comprehensive safety training courses. While virtual and computer-based training is available, we also offer on-site, hands-on training right at your location.


Overview of Ground Support Equipment Safety Training


Our comprehensive training gives your team the skills it needs to operate and maintain ground support equipment properly. It provides an overview of different types of aircraft ground support equipment, such as tuggers, portable water trucks and belt loaders, with a special emphasis on the specific equipment used at your workplace. Our ground support equipment safety training covers several components, including:


  • Equipment-related topics
  • Workplace-specific topics
  • Safe operations
  • Equipment inspections
  • Driver safety training
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Conducting function tests
  • Proper use of personal protection equipment (PPE)

Our safety training includes both classroom instruction and hands-on training. It meets all requirements in accordance with OSHA and ANSI standards as well as any site-specific regulations.


Class 6 Powered Industrial Truck


One of the most common types of ground support equipment at Herc Rental is Class 6 powered industrial trucks. Airport ground crews and warehouse workers commonly use Class 6 powered industrial trucks, also referred to as Class 6 forklifts, tow tractors or tuggers, to haul luggage, goods and other cargo items. Depending on its type and size, a tow tractor can pull anywhere from 3,000 pounds to well over 100,000 pounds.


Our training covers safe driving and hauling protocols, such as pedestrian safety and pre-operation inspections. Our safety course also provides details regarding personal protective equipment and emergency safety procedures. Depending on the types of ground support equipment your workplace uses, such as electric, diesel or gas, our training can also include battery and fuel handling safety training.


Do you need help with equipment safety training for your team?
Learn more about our safety training options by filling out the form on the right.



Why Is Ground Support Equipment Training Important?

Comprehensive ground support equipment training offers numerous benefits for your company as well as its employees and customers, including:

  • Increased safety. Increased safety in the workplace is the most valuable benefit our comprehensive training offers. No matter what type of ground support equipment your organization uses, safe operations must always be a top priority. Having your team members properly trained in all required safety protocols can significantly improve safety results throughout the workplace.
  • Improved skill sets. Ground support is a critical component of aviation and warehousing operations — but the efficiency of these vehicles is only as good as the skill sets of the operators. Part of our ground safety course covers vital skills, such as driver safety and fuel and battery handling safety. These added skill sets improve your workers' ability to operate and manage this equipment.
  • Potential hazards awareness. Whether working at the airport hangar or in the warehouse, potential hazards are everywhere. Just one mistake can create a hazardous situation. Training your workers to identify these potential hazards gives them time to make adjustments or remove the hazard from the workplace before a dangerous, and costly, situation occurs.
  • Implementation of preventative measures. Our on-site powered industrial truck training options make it easy to train your entire team. Completion of our on-site safety course gives your workers the ability to identify potential safety risks in the workplace and make adjustments if necessary. The implementation of these preventative measures creates a safer workplace environment for all employees.
  • Minimize workplace accidents. According to the National Safety Council, there are nearly 25,000 non-fatal DART cases involving forklift accidents each year. Safety training is your first level of defense against a serious accident at your organization. A properly trained crew along with an investment in preventative measures can minimize the risk of workplace accidents.  
  • Build a safety-first work culture. If your company prioritizes safety in the workplace, providing your employees with a comprehensive training course that includes both theory and hands-on practical training can go a long way toward building a safety-first workplace culture. Creating a culture that promotes workers' well-being can improve both hiring and employee retention outcomes.
  • Reduced downtime. We also provide maintenance training and show attendees how to conduct pre-operation inspections. These added measures can alert your team to potential issues with the equipment before they turn into a more complex problem. Overall, this can reduce equipment downtime, which is crucial in the aviation and warehousing industries.



What You’ll Get out of Our Ground Support Equipment Safety Course


An investment in our ground support equipment safety course provides the following.


Comprehensive Training

Our powered industrial equipment training course includes both classroom instruction and direct training and assessment. With this type of comprehensive training, workers don’t just understand what safety protocols they must follow; they learn how to put this training into practice. This combination of training can improve safety measures in the workplace.



Employees who complete all aspects of the ground support equipment safety course, including the hands-on assessment, receive a wallet-size certification. This certification provides proof that the employee actively participated in the training course and has an understanding of all necessary safety procedures and protocols.


Mandatory Compliance

Our training course is compliant with OSHA, ANSI and CSA regulations and standards.


Fill out the form on the right to learn more about our rental equipment options and available equipment safety training courses from Herc Rentals.